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GENEYE ®Plasmodium Spp./P.f./P.v. ERA Assay

先达基因 / 2024-04-08

GENEYE ®Plasmodium
Spp./P.f./P.v. ERA Assay

Malaria Parasite Typing Test in 25 Minutes with 1 Drop of Blood

Background Introduction

Malaria parasites parasitize humans as well as various mammals, with a few species parasit-izing birds and reptiles. Currently, more than 130 species of malaria parasites are known. Malaria parasites exhibit strict host specificity, with only a very small number of species capable of parasitizing closely related hosts. EASY、RAPID、ACCURATE! GENEYE ® Plasmodium Spp./P.f./P.v. ERA Assay kit uses specific primers and probes targeting the conserved Plasmodium 18S rDNA sequence. It employs ERA technology for nucleic cid-based qualitative and genotypic detection of Plasmodium. Results are visualized with fluo rescence, allowing real-time qualitative testing, reducing aerosol contamination, and saving time and labor.

Competitor Analysis